
About CEMS-Global USA, the Organizer

Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas situm ets aspernatis netsum loris fugit, sed quia magni dolores eos quis ratione sequi et vesciunt, neque et quis autem velis reprehenderit etsim quis velit netsum valoriset.
Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur netsum loris fugit, sed quia magni dolores eos qui ratione sequi nesciunt, neque et quis autem velis reprehenderit ets quis velit.
Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur netsum loris fugit, sed quia magni dolores eos qui ratione sequi nesciunt, neque et quis autem velis reprehenderit ets quis velit.
Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur netsum loris fugit, sed quia magni dolores eos qui ratione sequi nesciunt, neque et quis autem velis reprehenderit ets quis velit.

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Curabitur quam etsum lacus net netsum nulat iaculis etsimun vitae etsum nisle varius netsum.


Curabitur quam etsum lacus net netsum nulat iaculis etsimun vitae etsum nisle varius netsum.


Curabitur quam etsum lacus net netsum nulat iaculis etsimun vitae etsum nisle varius netsum.

About CEMS-Global USA, the Organizer

CEMS-Global USA, based in New York, is a professional Multinational Exhibition & Convention Organizer, having its operations across 4 continents. Established in 1992, CEMS-Global, in this span of over 32 years, has been committed to organizing Professional B2B Trade Shows for important Business sectors of the trade and economy.
In this span of over 3 decades, CEMS-Global has partnered with several Business Associations, Chamber of Commerce’s, Export Promotion Councils, International Trade Promotion organizations, Governments. Our successful 40 Trade shows per annum in highly potential and developing countries of the world across 4 continents have benefited hundreds of thousands of Manufacturers, Several Industry sectors and boosted International Trade & Development in many countries.
The importance of B2B Trade Shows/ Exhibitions is growing stronger each year as they have become an integral part of marketing where no other medium works as good as this with direct eye to eye marketing with potential buyers. Choosing the best Market for your exports that matches your company’s sales, marketing, branding, or other objectives is your first step toward success. CEMS-Global USA works closely with Important Trade & Business Associations, Chamber of Commerce’s, Export promotion Councils, International Trade Promotion Organizations in recognizing potential markets and countries.
Our 40 Trade Shows on important business sectors and commendable presence globally across 4 continents, we transform our Events into successful Trade Shows with focus on our knowledge, skill, finesse and creativity. With over 750 Trade Shows, 54,577+ Exhibitors, 1.65+ Million Attendees in our portfolio; we are devoted to take you where markets are…

Clients Testimonials

What Our Clients Are Saying.


The attention of a traveller, should be particularly turned to the various works of nature.

Emily Richards - Copywriter

The attention of a traveller, should be particularly turned to the various works of nature.

John Doe - General Manager

The attention of a traveller, should be particularly turned to the various works of nature.

Jane Smith - Web Designer
If you may have any further queries, please fill up the Contact Form on the Contact Us page or send us an email from right here
Cinque Terre